AWARD uses a range of innovative approaches to inform the development and implementation of a number of programmes that build social and ecological resilience.
AWARD uses a range of innovative approaches to inform the development and implementation of a number of programmes that build social and ecological resilience. Current programmes include: RESILiM-O; Networks for Farmers; Wise Use of Wetlands; Wetlands and Livelihoods in Craigieburn. Through these programmes, we are building institutional, community and individual capacity to manage and restore water, land and biodiversity sub-systems in the context of climate change. Current areas of engagement include the upper, middle and lower Olifants catchment as well as regional and national initiatives on water governance. To enhance our work we are constantly improving our monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning (MERL) processes within the organisation. A broad selection of resource materials have been, and continue to be developed and adapted through the various project activities.
We are a region facing significant water quality and quantity issues that impact on biodiversity and human livelihoods. These issues are exacerbated by climate change. This requires that we build resilience across a range of sectors…
AWARD has implemented a number of projects aimed at building resilience. These are broadly clustered around the themes of Water, Land, Climate Change with an overarching focus on Capacity Development…
AWARD’s innovative approach involves working with Systems Thinking for understanding complex systems, Social Learning and collective action, Resilience Support Initiatives as well as a unique and robust Monitoring and Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (MERL) process…
We recognise that building resilience is a collective effort. Therefore we work with NGOs, government, community groups, water management institutions, Ara-Sul, municipalities, service providers, civil society, farmers, interns and private landowners…
AWARD works in catchments across the southern African region. We have worked in all the easterly flowing catchments and recent focus areas have been Venda, Olifants and Inkomati river catchments…