Support for water security and water resources protection through transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
Water resources underpin every part of peoples’ livelihoods. Both water quality and quantity continue to deteriorate under drivers of change such as mining, waste-water treatment works, industry, urbanisation, the spread of alien invasive plants and agriculture. Climate change is likely to profoundly affect water resources as the predicted increasing temperatures affect water storage (including in the soil) through evapotranspiration and an increase in extreme events (floods and droughts).

Water-Related Resources
Olifants River Catchment
- Catchment Management Forums – Report on the Forum of Forums
- Review of Environmental Water Requirements & Related Information for the Olifants Catchment
- Overview of the Olifants Catchment (2014)
- Systemic, Social Learning Approaches to Water Governance and Sustainability in the Olifants River Catchment (Limpopo)
- Keeping the Olifants River Flowing: Systemic, collective action during the most severe drought on record
- Overview of water quality and quantity in the Olifants River catchment
- Predicted Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources of the Olifants River catchment
- Flow Tracker. A near real-time flow and dam monitoring app for the Olifants river catchment
- An Integrated Water Resources Decision Support System for the Olifants Catchment: Facilitating real-time monitoring, early warning and systemic decision-making for water resources – INWARDS
- Networks for Collaborative, Systemic Action in the Middle Olifants River Catchment
- Mangrove Restoration & Livelihood Support in Mozambique [Limpopo River Estuary]
- Catchment Management Forums: A Guideline for Developing Charters of Agreement
Municipal Water Projects
- Status Quo of Wastewater Treatment in the Olifants River Basin
- Using What We Have Wisely! A Water Conservation & Water Demand Management Strategy for Maruleng Municipality
- Water Conservation & Demand Management under Climate Change
- A Water Balance for Municipalities … Made Easy
- Capacity Development for Water Conservation & Water Demand Management in Maruleng Municipality
- Capacity Development for Water Conservation & Water Demand Management in BaPhalaborwa Municipality
- Water Conservation & Water Demand Management in the Olifants Catchment – A Pilot Project
- The Silent Killer? Wastewater Treatment Plants
- A Turnaround Plan for Municipal Waste Water Treatment Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality
- Overview of Wastewater Treatment in South Africa