South Africa has been in lockdown since late March and we have started to see the impacts in many of the areas where AWARD has been working for over 18 years including the rural areas of the Mametja-Oaks area and surrounds in Limpopo Province. The lockdown in South Africa has been very strict and cut most families off from their income from tourism, construction, labour on farms and offering services within their own villages. All of this has stopped or being severely curtailed leaving many with the bare minimum.
Please help us to support the most vulnerable households in 9 villages!

What we are doing
In the Mametja-Oaks – where we have been working over the past 4 years – some households many people in the community have run out of food and money completely. In some cases, the entire family lives off a child-care grant or an old-age pension whilst those without even this, beg from neighbours. Many struggle for access to water.
By working with residents – through our agroecology farmer groups – we identify the most vulnerable households on a bi-weekly basis. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, we are having to limit our support to the most vulnerable such as child-headed households or those with no support whatsoever.
Currently, we are able to support about 80 households every second week through food parcels. We also hope to provide small ‘Jojo’ tanks to families without water storage options.
However, these funds will dwindle rapidly. We would like to extend both our reach to other desperate families and through many more months.
We need your help! Through donations, we can continue our support.
You can donate any amount. Here is a guide of how far your donation can go.

What it costs
The cost of a food parcel with basic supplies plus vegetables for a week varies
- Smaller parcels – R 276 ($ 11)
- Larger parcels – R 343 ($ 15)
The once-off cost for an improved water source.
- Water tanks R480 ($27)
We are asking for donations as soon as possible and anything helps. If you would like to donate please click on the link below:
We will provide you with monthly updates on how the programme is progressing. We know that all of you are living through this crisis in a variety of challenging circumstances and we would like to thank you for your support.