Creating a platform for universities and higher learning institutions to share ideas on resilience
The Institutions of Higher Learning in the basin are key resources for expanding systemic and social learning approaches as they have responsibility for the education of the next generation of biodiversity and natural resources managers and practitioners, farmers, extension officers, and public service officials. This IHL programme contributes to social learning system building in the RESILIM-O programme, and emphasizes the development of systemic capacity in higher learning institutions, which are major local institutions (IHL) responsible for educating and providing scientific leadership for the next generation of scientists, managers and leaders in the basin.
This grant to Rhodes University began with a consultative process in April 2017 with six IHLs working in the Olifants Catchment (University of Mpumalanga, University of Limpopo, University of Venda, and Eduardo Mondlane University and Pedagogical University in Mozambique and the South African Wildlife College in South Africa). A civil society organisation – Alliance for Climate Change Resilience in Africa (ACRA) – which works with Eduardo Mondlane University on resilience building, also participated. The “Limpopo Basin Curriculum Innovation Network” was formally established, and offers a platform for the IHLs to share ideas and research on climate-change resilience in the Olifants and Limpopo Basins so as to develop an innovative curriculum for the higher education system.

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Institutions of Higher Learning Related Resources
- LBCIN: Limpopo Basin Curriculum Innovation Network
- Curriculum Innovation for Institutions of Higher Learning
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