The Blyde Restoration Working Group, initiated under RESILIM-O and coordinated by AWARD and K2C, has enabled collective planning and coordinated and aligned implementation amongst all partners working in the Blyde area. This has been facilitated by a collaborative and reflective process which has supported learning and enabled the emergence of collective agency amongst practitioners. Key partners within the group include:

  • Department of Environment, Forestry & Fisheries (DEFF) Natural Resource Management Programmes (NRMPs)
  • Working for Water
  • High Altitude Teams (HAT)
  • Working on Fire
  • Department of Environment, Forestry & Fisheries (DEFF) Forestry & Natural Resource Management Branch
  • Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA)
  • Blyde Communal Property Associations
  • Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere NPO (K2C)
  • South African National Parks (SANParks)
  • South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON)
  • SAFCOL & York Timbers (Commercial Forestry)
  • Sabie Sand Wildtuin


  • Development of an invasive alien species inventory map,
  • Development of an integrated restoration plan for the Lowveld Plantations,
  • Development of an integrated landscape restoration approach, including clearing remote and inaccessible areas in the Blyde Canyon, and the integration of fire within IAP control,
  • Facilitating key agreements and institutional arrangements amongst stakeholders,
  • An updated management plan for the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve,
  • A timber resource assessment,
  • A water and biodiversity monitoring network and plan,
  • A wetland inventory map and integrity assessment, and
  • Securing additional funding to support this work.

Blyde Restoration Project Stakeholders

WfW: Working for Water
HAT: High Altitude Teams
WoF: Working on Fire
DEFF: Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
MTPA: Mpumalanga Tourism Parks Agency
SANParks-BSP: SA National Parks-Biodiversity Social Project
CPAs: Communal Property Associations