Category Archives: News

Hats off to HAT! Invasive alien plant clearing started on inaccessible mountains in the Blyde Canyon

Due to the exceptionally rugged terrain created by the Blyde River Canyon and the Mpumalanga [...]

Human rights and the right to water in South Africa: what does it mean?

South Africa has placed the right to sufficient water as a Constitutional right in its [...]

2050 Pathways Platform Workshop

As part of the consultation on its LEDS, the Department of Environmental Affairs, in partnership [...]

Mining in the upper Blyde river catchment

Transvaal Gold Mining Estates (TGME, under Stonewall Mining) has applied for an amendment to its [...]

Drones could become one of the main drivers of agricultural growth in Senegal

Malick Diagne is the head of GeoRisk Afric, a company founded in March 2016. He [...]

South Africa is drowning in its own waste – are our regulators taking this crisis seriously?

South Africans dispose of enough municipal solid waste to fill an entire football field 10 [...]

Climate Litigation

The past year brought about several precedent setting court decisions and a growing number of [...]

Grace Masele (Mpane) Maledu and Others v Itereleng Bakgatla Mineral Resources (Pty) Ltd and Another

On 25 October 2018 at 10h00, the Constitutional Court handed down judgment in an application [...]

Animations on GMOs in South Africa

The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is pleased to share with you a three part [...]

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