Enhanced Natural Resource Management for securing ecosystem services, biodiversity and livelihoods in strategic ecosystems

This focus area aims to conserve biodiversity and sustainably manage strategic ecosystems by supporting collective action, informed adaptation strategies and practices, and tenable institutional arrangements. In South Africa, the focus is on two high biodiversity and strategic water source areas: the Blyde, Sand and Klaserie River catchments and the Legalameetse Nature Reserve. In addition to their water and biodiversity importance, they stand to provide significant benefits to claimant communities as new landowners.  In Mozambique, we are supporting the restoration of the mangroves in the Limpopo Estuary which have been affected by floods, over-utilisation and salinization.

[column_content type=”one_third” class=”” background=””]Blyde Restoration Project[/column_content]

[column_content type=”one_third” class=”” background=””]Co-management support of Legalameetse Nature Reserve[/column_content]

[column_content type=”one_third_last” class=”” background=””]Biodiversity and Land Use[/column_content]


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Land Related Resources



Land Use Planning


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